Fixing Sequel PRO SQL Encoding Error For Imported SQL files

Glasses in front of monitor

I use Sequel Pro for administering databases on local development environment.

I encountered an error where the database import would reach half way and the importing process prompts an error  about the encoding being incorrect. Although the database file was encoded in UTF-8 and it seems that the autodetect failed and does not work.

There seems to be an encoding mismatch when exporting a MySQL database from a Linux environment and then imported into Sequel Pro on Mac.

Setup a local web development environment with XAMPP for MacOS

XAMPP is an easy to install Apache distribution containing MariaDB, PHP and Perl.

XAMPP  is a popular open-source software stack that provides a development environment for web applications and is completely free. The XAMPP open source package has been set up to be incredibly easy to install and to use. It includes an Apache web server containing MySQL or MariaDB and PHP (including Perl), which is the stack you primarily need for web development.

Update Drupal 9 core via composer on your local environment

  1. Open the terminal app (or the terminal in VS Code) and change to the root site directory of the site you are updating
    cd [path/to/site/root/directory]
  2. Switch to the main branch and fetch the latest changes
    git checkout master
    git fetch --all
    git pull
  3. Create a new branch from the main branch for the Drupal core update
    git checkout -b update/core-[version]
  4. Upda